
Showing posts from February, 2019

2019 Western States Apprentice Contest, Marble

2019 Western States Apprentice Contest, Marble

11.000.0001 Coursing Layout for 12-in. Brick Wall, Common Bond

Coursing layout for 12-in. brick wall, common bond. Pattern repeats every 10 courses.   

01.030.0122 Brick & CMU Cavity Wall, Composite model showing all seven conditions, in progress

2019 Brick & CMU Cavity Wall, Composite model showing all seven conditions, in progress

01.030.0901 Top of Wall | Anchored Brick Veneer, CMU Backing

  This detail illustrates a parapet condition including the roof termination into the masonry wall and the top of wall termination. The open web steel joists of the roof structure bear on the CMU wall via a steel bearing plate on a CMU bond beam. The roof system terminates with the roof counterflashing engaging with the masonry flashing, providing moisture protection for the wall and roof assemblies while allowing each assembly to be independent of the other. Insulation and air/moisture/vapor barrier are continuous across the masonry and roof systems providing defense against thermal and moisture transfer. A system of flashing and weeps at both sides of the wall underneath the coping prevents moisture from entering the wall through the coping joints. The masonry coping is supported by shims, and sealant & backer rod are used at the joints between coping stones to resist moisture. Coping stones are anchored to one another and to the wall, and all flashing penetrations are ...

01.030.0602 Window Head | Anchored Brick Veneer, CMU Backing

This detail illustrates a masonry window head condition. The concrete masonry backing is treated with blocking at the perimeter of the opening which is wrapped with transition material, which in turn engages with the air/moisture/vapor barrier in the field of the wall providing continuous resistance to air and moisture. Continuous insulation offers excellent thermal control. An optional cavity drainage insert protects the weep vents at the bottom of the cavity from becoming obstructed. The detail incorporates a vertical brick expansion joint and a vertical control joint at the block backing. The loose steel lintel is protected with thru-wall flashing returning vertically at each end termination to form an end dam. The durable drip edge guards against moisture reentry and may be notched to avoid excessively thick laps. Firestop material may be used behind the lintel if required by code.

01.030.0705 Shelf Angle | Anchored Brick Veneer, CMU Backing, Shelf Angle w/ Bracket-Type Standoff

This detail illustrates a shelf angle projected from the concrete masonry backing with a system of standoff brackets anchored to the backing. The use of these brackets allow the shelf angle to not be in contact with the backing, which would otherwise tranfer heat across the cavity. The brackets project the shelf angle out the required distance to adequately support the brick veneer, and insulation is allowed to run in between and behind the brackets. SPF insulation is shown to fill the interstitial space around the brackets. A horizontal expansion joint below the shelf angle allows for vertical expansion of the brick veneer. The detail also incorporates a vertical brick expansion joint, and a vertical control joint at the block backing. The flashing protects the shelf angle, and weep vents allow moisture to exit the wall. A drip edge protects the steel angle and ensures water does not travel back into the wall beneath the flashing.