
Showing posts from February, 2021

06.080.0241R Interior wall retrofit | Tile over existing gypsum bd. on wood or steel studs, mortar bed

    This detail illustrates newly installed ceramic, gauged porcelain, stone, or glass tile on exsiting gypsum board backing on existing steel or wood studs using a mortar bed method. This is a retrofit application for use on interior walls in dry areas only. The tile is adhered to the existing gypsum backing over a mortar bed with metal lath embedded. A cementitious bond coat of latex modified thinset mortar is applied over the cured mortar bed. A primer or bonding agent may be required by the mortar manufacturer. For an existing steel stud framed wall to be a candidate for tile retrofit, the studs must be 20 gauge or heavier, minimum of 3 5/8 inches thick, and spaced at 16 in. on center maximum. Optional profile strips are shown at the outside corner and at vertical expansion joints in the field of the wall spaced at specified intervals. This detail is based on Tile Council of North America (TCNA) method W241. Details that show different or modified concepts or methods c...