04.040.0202 Dimension stone wall, interior | L-strap & dowel anchors

04.040.0202 Dimension stone wall, interior | L-strap & dowel anchors


This detail shows 3 cm (1 1/4 in.) thick dimension stone anchored to an interior wall substrate using L-strap anchors with welded dowels at the top and bottom of each stone panel. The anchors are sized and spaced per structural design and are fastened to the wall framing through an anchoring plate behind the wallboard. To correct for variations in the substrate, the anchors are shimmed as necessary to result in finish that is plumb. Holes are cut in the stone to receive the dowels. Each panel bears on a plastic or stiff rubber bearing shim supported by the anchor, keeping the panels level. Joints between the panels may be finished with compatible sealant and backer rod (not shown for clarity). This detail shall not be used for construction without the approval of a licensed design professional. The person using this detail shall be responsible for its complete design and proper application.


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